Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The beauty of School AT HOME!

So the wonderful part is that you can go and have a part time job, then go back to schoolwork when you go home.
The day I started this post was on Wednesday, but I didn't finish it until tonight.

But I think its great cause you can spend a more flexible schedule with your family, this being my sisters, and you get to run errands when you need to.

But I'm still reading the same thing as last time, although I'm reading something newish.
I know this blog entry isn't very grammatical but I don't feel like editing to make it more sensible. I'll try my best though.

Although I thought that I would be going to my part-time job on Wednesday, I didn't, I wasn't needed that day. I was called in for an emergency, and it was taken care of when I got there.

With correspondance courses you need to be motivated and determined because you do have a schedule to follow. For example I have test due dates and assignment due dates that I do have to follow, so you still can't do everything you want. I still need to stay on track and keep working on it.

But I'm enjoying it. Now. So glad I'm getting through the parts I've had to relearn, although once I've finished this "course" the next one will again be on something I have already studied and taken and entire in-school class on. But we'll see how it goes. You'll be following me with that one. Ha ha.

So, have a great day/evening everybody. Hope you keep reading me!

Heather's tip: E-mail Etiquette

  • Don't shout. Shouting is when you use CAP LOCKS. It is hard to read and also gives the impression that you are mad or frustrated. For example DO YOU HEAR ME!!!
  • Don't Flame. This is when you are responding to a message with strong negative feelings. Please take some time to think about what is being said or how the person is really trying to say their message. Sometimes they don't mean to be insulting. For example ME: "Caterpillars are the worst creatures ever." Dale: "You know what, your a ****, **** I can't believe you would actually say that when you're the worst creature ever!!!!"
  • Use emoticons (appropriately). I am saying sometimes you need to use emoticons when you are typing messages. This can give the person reading your message some insight into your feelings behind the message. But please use them in an appropriate setting, nobody wants a high rated executive in a company to be using ;) in a business proposal. For example "I can't believe the nerve of some people, trying to ask you on a date ;)" I don't know if you got the point on that example but I hope you did. :)

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