Thursday, September 17, 2009

Slacker! BIG time!

Ok, ok, I'm sorry. I haven't been here to tell you things.
Like how is school going? How is figuring out what the book really wants?

Yeah, that was something. What does the book want when it doesn't say what it wants. Those be frustrating times. You know when you try to be smart, but it doesn't come out that way.
That's how I felt this morning.

The book didn't tell me what colour scheme to use in one of my assignments and so I thought I would figure it out on my own. Well when I handed the assignment in, I forgot to check on one last thing (actually a couple, but who's counting?). The one colour that was specified. See, I could have any scheme I wanted but I did have to pick a certain colour. Yeah, I pretty much failed at that one objective. Let's say that for the rest of the assignment, there were some other technicalities that missed. A capital here, a font size there. Although I wasn't told that one too.

Oh, well. That's what happens when you decide to stay up till 1am to finish assignments. Your tired and you miss small or large things like that.

But I got a good grade anyways. So I'm happy about that.
Thank you for reading.
Have a wonderful day or evening. Depending on when you read this. It could even be afternoon, but I don't know that.
So I will have a good day.

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