Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Chapter Numero 2 Done-o

OK, so apparently I've been slacking just a little bit here. Last update was sometime last week, possibly a whole week ago. Wow! Well this time I have two announcements.

1. I'm engaged... no wait, that's not me. Actually I don't know of anyone who just got engaged. OK, so the real announcement is that my last assignment received 100% Yeah! Mind you it was pretty easy, you just follow directions and hand it in. So, I would've been bummed if I didn't get a good mark. I would just be plain sad :(

2. I just handed in Project 2. Yeah! Can't you tell I'm excited.

I'm pretty happy considering, my track record of completing assignments is pretty bad. I would get bad grades on behave of the incompleted assignments. Which is not a very good thing anywhere. I'm hoping I can overcome this "obstacle" in my life and complete projects. Comment if you have this problem or know how to solve it.

Finally I have come to realize that my blog posts may be a little bit on the long side, after I was looking through past posts. I thought to myself, "wow these posts just go on and on, Heather shorten your thoughts here" So I will try to do this. Perhaps I will just leave the Heather's tips for a separate post. So that is what I will do.

Thank you for reading.

Where rainbows fly, so will I.
As long as pigs aren't there.

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