Thursday, September 17, 2009

Slacker! BIG time!

Ok, ok, I'm sorry. I haven't been here to tell you things.
Like how is school going? How is figuring out what the book really wants?

Yeah, that was something. What does the book want when it doesn't say what it wants. Those be frustrating times. You know when you try to be smart, but it doesn't come out that way.
That's how I felt this morning.

The book didn't tell me what colour scheme to use in one of my assignments and so I thought I would figure it out on my own. Well when I handed the assignment in, I forgot to check on one last thing (actually a couple, but who's counting?). The one colour that was specified. See, I could have any scheme I wanted but I did have to pick a certain colour. Yeah, I pretty much failed at that one objective. Let's say that for the rest of the assignment, there were some other technicalities that missed. A capital here, a font size there. Although I wasn't told that one too.

Oh, well. That's what happens when you decide to stay up till 1am to finish assignments. Your tired and you miss small or large things like that.

But I got a good grade anyways. So I'm happy about that.
Thank you for reading.
Have a wonderful day or evening. Depending on when you read this. It could even be afternoon, but I don't know that.
So I will have a good day.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Chapter Numero 2 Done-o

OK, so apparently I've been slacking just a little bit here. Last update was sometime last week, possibly a whole week ago. Wow! Well this time I have two announcements.

1. I'm engaged... no wait, that's not me. Actually I don't know of anyone who just got engaged. OK, so the real announcement is that my last assignment received 100% Yeah! Mind you it was pretty easy, you just follow directions and hand it in. So, I would've been bummed if I didn't get a good mark. I would just be plain sad :(

2. I just handed in Project 2. Yeah! Can't you tell I'm excited.

I'm pretty happy considering, my track record of completing assignments is pretty bad. I would get bad grades on behave of the incompleted assignments. Which is not a very good thing anywhere. I'm hoping I can overcome this "obstacle" in my life and complete projects. Comment if you have this problem or know how to solve it.

Finally I have come to realize that my blog posts may be a little bit on the long side, after I was looking through past posts. I thought to myself, "wow these posts just go on and on, Heather shorten your thoughts here" So I will try to do this. Perhaps I will just leave the Heather's tips for a separate post. So that is what I will do.

Thank you for reading.

Where rainbows fly, so will I.
As long as pigs aren't there.

Friday, September 04, 2009

The drawbacks of Distance learning

I like to talk about what I like and love about distance education. Well, I'm going to tell you one thing I find that I don't like about it. THERE ARE NO LIBRARIES. They don't have a physical building that I can go to borrow books or videos, or read magazines or newspapers, or a place to sit and study or a computer to study.

I do miss not being able to just go and find a book that would be relevant to the subject I'm learning about. I bring this subject up, because I just discovered that my town has library cards. I knew that it was going to happen, but I wasn't sure when. I'm pretty excited about getting a library card. I haven't gone in the library to get one, but I want to get it soon.

I don't know if you have ever gone to the library before, but it is an amazing place. There are so many books, books that you have never heard of or knew existed. Books that can fill your imagination with so many ideas and adventures. Books can give you a new incite on the world around you, fill you with knowledge, and teach you a new way of doing things.

I think libraries are amazing and are a great place in a community. Make sure you go and check out your local library and try to find something new. The options are endless.

Heather's Tip: Word count
How many times do you try to find out how many more words you need for this 500-word essay that's due tomorrow? It is very frustrating to do it the old fashion way of counting each word in every line in every paragraph in every page. Counting words is really easy now-a-days in word processing software like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer. I'm sure any of the other Office applications do this as well, but I am only familiar with these two programs.
In Word, you can see a word count in the bottom left of the status bar (its on the bottom of the Word window). In Writer, click on Tools in the Menu bar and click on Word Count.